Sunday, July 7, 2013

Quote Me

Ernest Hemingway said "there is nothing to writing. All you need to do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed". Which is kinda profound considering that bloodletting is the oldest tradition in medicine. It started in the ancient civilization of Egypt and ran for over 2,500 until modern medicine began. Anyway the point to that little history note is that doctors used bloodletting to treat everything from a cold to broken bones. I suppose that still stands today, that emotionally we all need to let the blood out.
  I like quotes, I always have. First of all they're a little bit like eavesdropping because your not really hearing all of what was said and most of the time they're taken completely out of context but nonetheless they usually strike a chord. Besides, they're like IQ make up. By that I mean if you memorize a quote by a particular person like for instance Einstein and throw it out in a conversation your IQ goes up a few points instantly to the other people in the conversation. Now, in the age of social media quotes are used thousands of times a day usually written over some profound  photograph. Sometimes they're used for inspiration, a love note, a written cry over heartbreak,  and most of the time a sucker punch towards someone that your angry with or that has hurt you. Put out over the internet for your intended target and everyone else to see.
 The problem with quotes is that they're words and words that are written be it in an email or text can miss their mark. One of my favorite quotes is "be careful of the words you speak, because they will eventually come for you". I think that holds true if they are spoken or written but written words can be lost in translation...Literally. Your expressing yourself in a text or email and deep felt emotions can not and should not be summed up in a few sentences. Sometimes just a few powerful words can be all that you need. "I miss you" or " I love you" says it all sometimes "fuck you" is what's called for. My rambling point is that words are wonderful if your not stingy with what needs to be said, nothing quotable ever came from letting fear or pride or stupidity dictate what you say. Sadly we are all guilty of falling into that nonsense however if we take another famous quote "think before you speak" and tweak it a little and FEEL before we speak we may not have to rely on someone else's words. We might say ourselves things worth quoting.

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