Sunday, July 21, 2013

In Short, A Lie

Being let down by someone fucking hurts. It cuts deep and you feel it in the core of your soul. I suppose it feels so bad because only someone you really love and care about has the power to truly let you down. If you have plans with a casual friend and they cancel it's not a big deal you'll just find something else to do, but when someone you love doesn't come thru it's another ball game all together.
  To me it feels like me or my hurt feelings are not important enough to go out of your way for.  Obviously not all the time, just when it matters and I don't care how stupid a person might be they know the difference. It's like writing checks in an emotional bank account and not putting back what you've taken out. Words carry a lot of weight but actions are everything. Newton's Third Law of Motion sums it all up, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Which brings to mind 3 things.
                            1) Don't reply when your angry
                           2) Don't make a promise when your happy
                          3) Don't make a decision when your sad
 Because the reaction from any of these things may be more then we were bargaining for and we have to live with the consequences from them. That also stands true for the dickheads that hurt you. People eventually reach their breaking point, and ironically most of the time the triggers that get us to our breaking points are fairly uneventful. Even if it's a legitimate reason for the let down it goes back to the emotional bank account, if you write to many checks without making a deposit sooner or later it's gonna bounce and words do not cover checks. You can say whatever you want, but they are meaningless without actions backing them up. I don't think they have to be grand gestures either, we've all heard that saying, 'it's the little things that make the difference'. I believe that's true and it goes both ways, little things have the power to make or break something. Sadly I don't think most people get that. 
  One of my favorite quotes is from Anais Nin, she said "Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish it's source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings". I do not believe any truer words can be said about love and relationships. Be careful what you say because your words will eventually come for you and you'll have no choice but to put up or shut up.

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