Sunday, August 11, 2013

Keep Your Head, Heels and Standards High

Ok, so this post is a list of Do's and Don't's and other helpful advice that I've learned the hard way or didn't listen to when other wiser people tried to give me a heads up. Take it or leave it but at least just read it, take it in. Somewhere down the line some of it may come in handy..

  1) Don't ever, ever beg. Period. Not even for your life, cause let's be real, if someone is twisted enough to kill you they are not going to have a sudden change of heart because you begged. Don't ever give anyone that much power over your life, and long after the mind games have stopped you will be left with the nauseating reality that you handed over your self respect to some scumbag.

  2) If someone hates you for NO reason...Give that motherfucker a reason.

 3) Don't be someone's side piece. Think more of yourself than that, you are not a bang piece leave that to the grimy no good slam pigs. You should be the crowning jewel.

 4) Carry fun in your pocket. Make the best out of a situation, as corny as that sounds if your too busy pouting and being miserable your to focused on the negative and you could miss the loophole that gets you out of the situation, and there is ALWAYS a loophole. Plus it's true that time flies when your having fun so you might as well have a good time while looking for your loophole.

 5) Don't be a fair weather friend. Because there are only 3 things in life that you will need more than your ride or die friends....Food, water and oxygen. Throughout your whole life your ride or dies will be the only constant in your life. You can bet the house on that.

 6) Don't be a dick, admit when your wrong and apologize for it. None of us know as much as we think we do.

 7) Trust your gut, if something doesn't feel right it probably isn't. That is your intuition trying to tell you something and trust and believe it knows what it's talking about.

 8) When your broken hearted try not to focus on all the good things and times with that person. Remember what they did to break your heart.

 9) Try everything twice...The 1st time to do it the 2nd time to see if you like it.

10) NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANES  allow yourself to go down the tubes over a broken heart..Ever. I'm not saying you can't be sad, depressed or brokenhearted but it is a lot more fun and beneficial to look fabulous with a broken heart then it is to be broken hearted hot mess.

 There you have it, a few pointers from a chic that's been there and I'm proud of my scars because I earned all of them. The best and hardest lesson I've learned is that it is better in the long run to always stand your ground and deal. This is our life to live, wonderful and horrible things will happen; do you and try not to panic

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