Friday, July 12, 2013

Wait....What Do You Think This Means?

 Reading to much into things, I think is one of the worst things you can do to yourself and that cuts both ways. Either your jumping to bad assumptions that are absolutely nowhere near reality and all that will do is make you as crazy as a bird OR your rushing into conclusions that were not intended and all that will do is set you up to take a pretty swan dive off the high board to land on your face. Now to be clear I don't want to give the impression that I have ANY idea at all on how not to trigger either one of these anxiety attacks waiting to happen. If I did I wouldn't have a prescription (in my name) for Xanax. Which I highly recommend for anyone that has a mind that goes 115mph per second, I have one and I'm here to tell you it does me NO favors.

 So lets look at these two scenarios. The first on is usually brought on by a phone call that hasn't come in the time  frame your comfortable in or with someone who isn't home by the time they said they would be. Now you start imagining why the phone call or person hasn't come yet. This is capable of working you up into a frenzy within 30-45 minutes of it first entering your mind. It starts off like a slow burn, first you have to go thru the step of rationalizing this thought to yourself and depending on the situation it might not take much convincing. Then when your sure that this  imagined thought is now a fact you start to fidget which is like fanning the little flames that are burning. If your a smoker this is about the time you begin chain smoking and depending on what time it is, probably calling a friend to tell them about your newest crisis, At about this time your bordering on that frenzied state, you can see for sure the end of life as you know it or possibly the end of their life as they know it. Now your pacing and repeatedly checking your phone to make sure you haven't missed a call or text even though your phone hasn't been outside of a foot from you. By now your getting dry mouth and clinging to the ceiling at each passing moment. Now here comes the fork in the road, so here's the split. You can either keep your craziness to yourself and wait it out or you can start psycho stalking whoever it is your fixated on, be it a boyfriend, husband a child, whatever the case may be and see what happens, which will probably result in them calling, texting or coming home sooner than later and no one but you and your poor baffled friend you dragged into this will ever be the wiser and you can thank god later for helping you save face OR you can pick door number 2 and release the psycho, if this is the path you decide to take there are a few consequences you can be sure about. The first one is your going to prolong your agony I mean really, who doesn't want to drop whatever it is they're doing and deal with a raging psycho? You will also have to contend with their attitude and defenses being way way up which will then lead to a fight. That on top of the fact there is probably a very reasonable explanation for the delay and then not only will you look insane you'll also have egg on your face and that's embarrassing .I'll tell you one of my many experiences with this, one day my boyfriend was acting very aloof but was in a very chipper mood and every time I spoke to him he was kinda vague and in a hurry to get off the phone with me, now this was not sitting well with me at all. So after a few hours of this I'm on the phone with him foaming at the mouth. Cursing him and telling him he's a shady asshole. Well come to find out the reason for all of this was he had planned a wonderful surprise romantic date for us and had to drive 4 hours to do it. So when I saw his beautiful self standing unexpectedly in my driveway with his big movie star smile I cried. I cried because I was so moved and happy but mainly I cried because of all the nasty things I said to him and that I was so mean to someone that loved me so much that he blew off all the work that he had to do that day just so he could come and do something wonderful for me. My behavior that day still makes my cringe. Let that be a lesson for all of us, it's better in the long run to sit still and bite your tongue and wait and see what happens.
   Now on to the second scenario, jumping to the assumption you have something in the bag, be that a new job, a date, a new love of your life or anything else you have allowed yourself to get cocky about. Sometimes it can be a result of women's hearing which is not so different than a man's hearing. We all know men have that wonderful ability to tune out everything your saying to them and if they hear anything at all it's just the equivalent to what the adults sound like in Charlie Brown cartoons. Women's hearing is we only hear what we want to, we will cherry pick the words someone says and string our own sentences together whether it's in an argument or a conversation we want to go our way. Either way is a shove off the high board. If the assumption is about a job you know for certain no one is better qualified for than you, that is like daring the universe to have the balls to humble you in which case after your swan dive you will probably bounce twice off your face. If it falls into a date situation, where you assume you just made such an impression on this new person that they are home thinking about ways they're going to propose to you they have probably already deleted your number and are thankful that you are an experience they'll never have to have again while your on the phone with your friends planning your nuptials. After that swan dive you can look forward to wiping the egg off your face. If the assumptions fall into relationship cockiness then that means your more than likely taking that person and their feelings for granted and not pulling your weight in the relationship and with that you can be sure your swan dive will be right down the rabbit hole and no one in their right mind wants that.
  So to conclude this ramble I think the best way for any of us to avoid this self brought on craziness to is sit still, TRY and keep an open mind and heart, keep our mouths shut and our attitudes in check until we have facts, REAL facts not facts we've concocted. All of us have more than enough outside bullshit we have to deal with. I dunno about you but I don't have the time or energy to be my own worst enemy

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