Friday, July 19, 2013

By Reason Of Insanity

Ahh, those 3 dreaded letters that are capable of striking fear. I think women should be put somewhere away from civilization and any form of communication until it passes for everyone else's safety and are own good. That way we have no way of pushing the self destruct button on our lives and then end up having to spend a week after we've come back into our right minds cleaning up the mess pushing that button made and apologizing to people we really don't want to, cause lets be honest, most of the people we went off on had it coming. Maybe not for the reason you went off but they were probably working on at least a few of your trigger points before PMS came into the mix.
  The funny thing about having PMS is that when we we're in the throws of it we won't admit we have it. It's like being really drunk, you'll tell anyone in your blurred sight that you are perfectly fine and least of all drunk. So when your bloated, exhausted and our only emotion is psycho rage there is no way your copping to PMS because that would validate other people when they think your irrational, out of control and the worst of all WRONG. I dunno about you but I don't like being told I'm wrong on a good day never mind when I'm half out of my mind. Is it just me or does it seem as though the people in your life tend to hit you with the most bullshit at this worst possible time, I mean really? They had almost a whole month to pull their shit but ohhhhh nooo, they wait until till we're about to snap out and then start with all the antagonizing and by "they" you know who I'm talking about. The usual suspects are either the man in your life, your kids or your co workers. What do they all have in common? You can't get the hell away from them. On any given day we have to contend with at least 1 or 2 of them, if your really lucky, and the planets are aligned just right you might only have to deal with one of these nemesis. I would strongly recommend buying a lottery ticket if you have such a day.
  What else can I say about this that all women don't already know? Not a damn thing. We all know it will pass. We will stop eating everything in sight, our clothes will fit again, that feeling of dread that the world is ending will go away and our periods will come and we can look forward to a few days of terrible cramps and other hassles and headaches. Until then, fingers crossed that none of us snatch the sticks the people in our lives insist on poking us with and beat them to death with their own sticks

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